For Investors Looking at Deals Online


Principles of Crowd Fund Real Estate Investing

Principles of Crowd Fund Real Estate Investing is the original and only comprehensive online CFRE training that shows you how to:
  • Compare risk-return profiles across different real estate types.
  • Evaluate a downtown office building investment versus a senior housing deal versus an apartment deal or any other type of deal.
  • Decide when to exit a deal evaluation before wasting time on it.
  • Determine if a sponsor's interests are aligned with yours.
  • Figure which investment strategy best suits you.
  • Understand your rights and responsibilities in a deal.
Products- principles ofcrowd fund real estateinvesting



Beginner to Intermediate

Products -Due Diligence for the crowd fund real estate investor s

Due Diligence for the Crowdfund Real Estate Investor

This program takes you through the key parts of any competent due diligence process so you can:
  • Assess project entitlement status and regulatory factors.
  • Use case studies to compare to deals you are working on.
  • Identify the key points to look for in legal documentation.
  • Study professional market analysis techniques.
  • Read and understand different types of proforma analytics.
  • Determine if timeline predictions have been set realistically.



Intermediate To Advanced

The 8 Keys to Real Estate Investing

In the 8 Keys training you will do a deep dive into core financial concepts that are used by every developer, across every real estate type irrespective of the development strategy employed.

In this course you will learn:

  • Key financial concepts in any pitch deck and contract.
  • About alignments of interest between you and the sponsor.
  • How much you are (really) going to make on a deal.
  • What are the most important things you should look for.
  • Detailed spreadsheet modeling made easy.
Products- real estate investing g small



Intermediate To Advanced

Real Estate Investment Contracts red tint small

Real estate investment contracts

Perhaps the most important course you could possibly take, here you will learn how to read between the lines of every real estate contract before, and what to do after you sign:

In this class you will learn:

  • Directly from three of the top lawyers in the country.
  • The 10 key things to look out for in offering documents.
  • The 5 red flag deal killers.
  • 8 Ways to arm yourself before signing on the dotted line.
  • How to protect your best financial interests.



Intermediate To Advanced