What is Real Estate Crowdfunding?

Learn how to build wealth and earn passive income in real estate while someone else does all the work.

Real Estate Investing Explained – Main Project Costs

With Support from SmallChange

In this episode talk about the TOTAL COSTS that are inherent in any real estate project.

There are basically three main categories; acquisition costs, hard costs, and soft costs.

Acquisition costs would be the purchase of a piece of land or an existing building, hard costs include the physical costs of construction or renovation, and soft costs are costs like design services, architectural, permits, appraisals etc.

Watch the full episode to learn more and be sure to go to click the link below for a guided tour of 8 real estate crowdfunding websites and to gain access to detailed training on what are the key concepts to understand when investing in real estate.

For more information and to gain access to:

  1. Guided tour of 8 real estate crowdfunding websites
  2. FREE: Complete list of every real estate syndication website
  3. FREE: 10 things to look for in real estate contracts
  4. Access to advanced real estate investment training


If you want to build your wealth and earn passive income from real estate investing and are looking at deals on marketplace platforms or through developers online, then I recommend you start by the 8 Key Financial terms so you can understand every deal you look at.
The 8 Financial Keys are not only a great way to get started, they are also essential to understanding how you’ll make money in any real estate deal.
You’ll learn the most important financial concepts you need to know in real estate investing that apply to every type of real estate no matter the asset class (office, industrial, residential, hospitality, retail).

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Intermediate Investor

If you’ve got some online real estate investments under your belt already and are beginning to receive passive income checks each month, or have been paid off with profit – or (hopefully not) are finding that some deals are not quite panning out the way you expected, then check out this page for a wealth of free resources.
Here I cover everything from beginner all the way to very advanced real estate concepts.
You’ll find podcasts with developers, researchers, professors and other industry experts, detailed articles, and lots of videos, both short and long that are all easily searchable and totally free.

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Advanced Investors

I am not shy about being straightforward about real estate investing; it is exciting, lucrative, and can help you build wealth and income as part of your investment portfolio, but it is not without its risks.
As an advanced investor you know this already, so I’ve put together a webinar for you that guides you through one of the most important components of real estate investing: Real Estate Contracts – reading between the lines.
This is advanced learning and based off conversations I had with three of the top real estate attorneys in the country, combined with my own personal experience. Access it here; it could be the most important webcast you watch all year.

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