Avatar: Identifying Your Ideal Real Estate Investor
In this course you’re going to learn why you need to have an ‘avatar’ for your ideal investor and are going to work through what you need to do to successfully identify your ideal investor so you can raise capital even more successfully.
The first thing you're going to be doing is to define exactly who it is that is the ideal investor for you.
In order to be able to market your company, and your products effectively, and properly, you have to be clear on who your ideal investor is, where they're hanging out, what their challenges are, what drives them, etc.
Identifying who they are will impact virtually every single aspect of your marketing, and sales process. It’s going to include things like your content marketing, what kind of blog posts, videos, podcasts, lead magnets etc., you should create to attract, and convert your prospect into becoming your most dedicated investor.
This process is going to help you with all your content creation because you will discover what kind of solutions your ideal investor searching for so you know how to position yourself and your pitch.
It's going to help you with copy-writing, and how you should describe the offers that you're going to make, and who you are in your email marketing, and ads/sales letters in a way that compels your investor avatar to invest with you.
Finally, it's going to help you with email marketing, so that you can decide which avatar should be receiving specific email-marketing campaigns.
And this is just scratching the surface.
There are five major components to your investor avatar that you are going to be learning about.
- Demographics that will include occupation, and education.
- Their goals and values.
- Sources of information.
- Their challenges, and pain points.
- Their objections, and experience with real-estate investing.
You’ll walk through an actual investor avatar exemplar in detail and there’s a template you can use to build your own avatar and you’re going to get FREE access to the detailed Investor Avatar eBook that’s yours to keep too as a guide to accurately identifying the ideal investor for you and for your own unique value proposition.
Avatar: How to Identify Your Ideal Investor
In this course you’re going to learn why you need to have an ‘avatar’ for your ideal investor and are going to work through what you need to do to successfully identify your ideal investor so you can raise capital even more successfully.